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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Soggy Sandwiches and the Five Whys

My daughter told me about a friend of hers who throws away her turkey sandwich every day at lunch time.

So I asked her why her friend does that.

"Because every day, the sandwich is soggy," she said.

I asked, "Are you sure it's not because she doesn't like turkey?"

"No, it's because every day the sandwich is soggy, and she doesn't like soggy sandwiches."

Makes sense to me. "Why is it soggy every day?" I asked.

"I don't know," she answered.

So I tried a different question, "Why doesn't she tell her parents that she doesn't like soggy sandwiches? Maybe they can figure out how to make sandwiches that aren't soggy if she tells them."

"I don't know," she answered again.

Right now, my daughter doesn't seem too interested in identifying the root cause. But I will let you know if that changes. I'm sure if she asks "Why" enough times, we'll get to the bottom of the soggy sandwich situation. Until then, her friend will continue to throw them away. After all, who wants to eat a soggy sandwich?

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